Course Description:

Principles and techniques relating to automated support for decision making and organizational problem solving. The focus is on current research in decision support systems. Topics include decision theory, modeling and simulation, decision support system architecture, group decision support systems, knowledge-based expert systems, and intelligent systems.


InstructorSumitra Mukherjee-Professor

Sumitra Mukherjee, Ph.D.


(954) 262-2079 – (800) 986-2247 x22079
email:[email protected]
faculty viewbook:

Course Schedule

Research areas: Artificial intelligence, decision support systems, knowledge-based expert systems, database security, database management, economics of information systems.

Dr. Mukherjee received his Ph.D. in Decision and Information Systems from Carnegie Mellon University. Prior to joining GSCIS in 1996, Dr. Mukherjee was a faculty member in the department of Computer Information Systems at Baruch College, University of New York. His research interests are in data security, machine intelligence, and automated support for organizational decision making. His publications have appeared in Journals such as Management Science, Journal of the American Statistical Association, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Operations Research Letters, Optimization Letters, and Pattern Recognition Letters.