Why an Executive MBA?
Sure, I was making good on that September 11th promise I made to myself. but also, there’s Tim. Early in my career Tim was doing his MBA at NYU, he said to me “I think an MBA suits you, you should get an MBA”. I was young, and impressionable, and looked up to Tim, and so I did. Thanks, Tim!
The Program
The Executive Master of Business Administration degree program at FIU is designed for working business professionals. It deliveres a total graduate education experience preparing students for new and expanding responsibilities as senior-level functional or general managers. It is a rigorous, value added program that is limited to a select number of qualified students.
The Curriculum
The program sub-two year part-time program requires 16 core courses which provide a foundation in key areas of business. Students can choose from a variety of elective courses to tailor their program to their specific interests and career goals. Additionally, the program offers an optional international residency.
An International Residency
During the week-long, experience-driven international residency, I was immersed in complex and thriving Brazilian business environments which accelerated my skills in global competitive issues, crisis management, supply chain challenges and stakeholder leadership. The residency was with the COPPEAD graduate school of business at The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.